
feel confident, comfortable & effortlessly put-together

Helping busy women

What are your clothes costing you?

Raise your hand if this sounds familiar:

  • You feel guilty for spending money on clothes you don’t wear (or even like)

  • You find yourself saying, “That’s cute on her, but I could never pull it off.”

  • You have too many clothes but not enough outfits

  • Choosing an outfit equals instant overwhelm. Why is it so easy for everyone else?

  • You wear the same “safe” outfits on repeat, even though you don’t feel great in any of them

“Gone are the days of feeling overwhelmed every time I step into a store. Now I know exactly what shapes, colors, and accessories work for ME.”

— Jillian B.

I know you’re the kind of woman who wants to spend less time getting ready and more time on the things that truly matter to you.

Style is fine, but what you really want is to feel confident and put together.

But, in order to get there, you need to uncomplicate your closet.

You need only the clothes that make you feel your best.

But there’s a problem.

Your closet is full of “good enough” and multiple versions of the same sad outfit.

You feel guilty for buying things you don’t wear (or even like) and frustrated that it seems like everyone has it figured out. Everyone, but you.

You just want to feel put-together so you can focus on more important things.


Most women struggle to make outfits they feel good wearing.

That’s why I created Fox & Bloom seven years ago: to help women like you uncomplicate getting dressed so you can feel confident in clothes you actually want to wear.

So, book your session or join a program and make getting dressed the easiest thing you do all day.

“It made me feel empowered and confident with dressing myself. I shop so much easier too, because I easily know what works for ME—my body, my style, my comfort.”

Nikki F.

Got Q’s? Let’s chat.

Book a discovery call

Want to know how this how styling thing works? Or just want to chat to see if we’re a good fit? Book a no-strings-attached 15-minute discovery call (affectionately known as a Disco Chat 💃)